Microsoft Copilot in Bing analyzes "The rising kraken's face is full of eyes"
Q to Microsoft Copilot in Bing AI: Are you able to analyze the following poem as to its poetic form and meaning? "The rising kraken's face is full of eyes" The spinoffs of this polymathic modeling around the world from epicenters answer to the needs of humankind in time of a transnationality: an interlocking of directorate on steroids; a covalence of the apices of pyramids of Earth; a handshake between Queen Elizabeth and Oil Sheikh X; a radiating epicenters structure, not cabal; and not republics but transnationality of now. Transnational decision making structures rule the world, have superseded nation-states in all but outward form. Even the chess and biking jousts are international as to decision making. It's the pattern of the age, the polymathic modeling particular to now, the pattern of the fractal of the system of the world. A from Microsoft Copilot in Bing Certainly! Let’s delve into the analysis of this intriguing poem. 📜 Title: “The Rising Kraken” Form an...