Outcomes of societal disequilibrium: Far Left, Far Centre, and Far Right

In a situation of societal disequilibrium such as that which preceded the regimes of Hitler, Lenin, Mussolini, Franco and Salazar, the political centre ceased to enjoy the respect of the people in such wise as to drain it of vitality by migration to various ideological extremes. These strident extremes proposed themselves as solutions to a perceived abnegation or absence of moral authority in the centre which one might understand in Chinese terms as losing the Mandate of Heaven. The various proposals -- such as the Far Right, the Far Centre, and the Far Left -- variously smelled the blood of the centre in the water and knew with absolute certainty that they had best exert themselves or lose out to another proposal, with approximately the same consequences as often befell competitors for a kingdom's throne: losing it all, up to and including their heads. The array of Far Right, Far Centre, and Far Left may be understood as a sort of tripod with adjustable legs which necessarily dif...