The painting of electromagnetism with hallucination and fury with faces
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- Something very special happened over a century ago in Lake Tarawera, New Zealand which one would like to share, as it illustrates something extraordinary about the human mind not just singly but collectively. Here, first of all, is an excellent painting -- not of what happened, but of what happened a week later -- of the Mt Tarawera eruption:
- This is in mid-June, and the painting is by Charles Blomfeld. A week earlier, the most famous supernatural event in modern Zealand history occurred. A mixed party of Pakeha (Whites) and Maori were on a tourist outing in the lake; this happened on the same day as the waters of Lake Tarawera suddenly rose... and then fell. Later, during their outing, multiple witnesses saw a waka manned by Maori in native dress rowing across the lake; this vessel was headed directly for Mt Tarawera. Do not pass Go. Go directly to Mt Tarawera. Do not collect 200$. This is the 1888 painting by Kennett Watkins of the incident.
- As all of you know, the human senses cannot 'see' electromagnetic energy; but human beings can sense electromagnetic energy and under certain circumstances even determine the direction in which the EMF spike lies. Much as our anxieties become clothed in images drawn from everyday life and stored in our memories whilst we dream, so under certain circumstances can electromagnetic fluctuation be picked up on by the mind and translated into a form which can be the more readily perceived; just as we do not dream of anxiety itself, but of some image which expresses it or causes it to condense.
- It's clear enough when considering the UFO phenomenon that people often report fantastic electromagnetic displays, time dilation, machine stoppages, and similar; so that one is not saying these phenomena are fake but that we should be very careful about attributing them to what, at face value, appears to be responsible. We should not ridicule people who report things of this nature, whether they report aliens or elves, airships or monsters, but carefully consider whether any of the details which they report involve a 'brush' with electromagnetism; for anomalies are an opportunity for humanity, not a burden on society. Does this mean one rules out living agencies, beings with conscious minds in some relation to the EMF spike? No, not at all. Judging from the quite recent discoveries of sprites and elves in the upper atmosphere, we may confidently be said to know very little about both EMF and life; and the fact that we are 'witnessing' EMF and clothing it with images drawn from our private and collective imaginations does not rule out consciousness in or otherwise in relation to that which we have perceived.
- Food for thought... US airman John Burroughs was awarded compensation for radiation damage that caused a longterm health impact after the Rendlesham Forest Incident, which is known by the nickname 'Britain's Roswell': (
So, why does one alien come in peace and another inspect your orifices? One would tentatively suggest that this range of outcomes comes down to whether the electromagnetism is stimulating or dysphoric. As we know, people experience a range of outcomes from euphoria to nausea after having consumed ethanol, a result contingent on factors such as immediately preceding diet and health, even how dissolute or not they are. Someone who has first consumed nicotine and then experienced nausea such as has rarely so shaken them to the core, for its part, corresponds to the dysphoric reaction one mentioned. But if the reaction is stimulating, then like anything ranging from oxytocin release to a cup of coffee it causes a corresponding but more neutral or even positive change in the mind-body system, just like any good or bad crab dip. In sum, the presumed wandering because ill understood nature of electromagnetic spikes interacts in a plethora of ways with humanity, including in relation to its social visualisation and threat evaluation. One cannot help but note the 'phantom waka' beelining straight for Mt Tarawera, which Mt erupted in that painting with which we began: the use of it as a sort of electromagnetic prairie dog call and even compass is obvious enough.Logonaut
The rigorous consideration of anomalies, anomalistics, depends upon multidisciplinary and exploratory suspension of disbelief; and the aforegoing has all been an application of it to a topic much in the public eye. That some of the so-called UFO phenomenon may bear relation to the interaction of electromagnetism to consciousness does not preclude its having numerous others facets which do not even have to be part of the same phenomenon except from our framing perspective. For instance, we would see this electromagnetism painted with visualisation as 'the UFO phenomenon'; and also we would see military drones and prototypes which they would much rather we thought from Rigel than DARPA as 'the UFO phenomenon'; and also we would see surgical operations on cattle as 'the UFO phenomenon'. Pardon me if one seems to belabour the point, but the equivalence of a suspension of disbelief with these being from our point of view the same phenomenon is crucial. It is by not closing the set of answers merely by finding one that we make most useful and efficient exploitation of unusual phenomena which come into our grasp.Logonaut
It is with all the above in mind, and especially the bit about not ruling out consciousnesses interacting with EMF spikes, that one shares the following from Spiritual Experiences: "Visions occur on earth with some who say and try to sell the notion that they have seen all kinds of things, and they are even called seers. This kind of vision occurs when some object is seen, whatever it may be, and certain spirits induce on it a shape, by way of fantasies. It is as when a cloud is seen, or something at night [in] moonlight, and certain spirits hold the person's mind, and thus imagination, in the portrayal of some real thing, whether it be an animal, or a little child, or something monstrous. And as long as one's imagination is kept by spirits in this kind of vision, one is quite convinced of having seen those things" (1752). One would note in closing that the interdimensional hypothesis, as opposed to the extraterrestrial one, may fit these considerations best. That is, people are seeing something all right: they are seeing a very real and conscious manipulation from beyond. But the image drawn from their memory or someone else's should not for all that be taken at face value but considered rather open-endedly.Logonaut
One has already mentioned the compensation awarded to airman John Burroughs for radiation damage in the context of the famous United Kingdom answer to Roswell, which indicates that the committee understood what had happened to him, to some degree, and came to a just conclusion. One would also like to note the following supports for the electromagnetic induction of hallucination: These links are provided to support the above explanation of a subset of so-called UFO phenomena; but these considerations proceeded initially from the 'ghost waka' account which began this exploration: the painting of electromagnetism with imagery drawn from the memory of the person concerned, as occurs exactly so with dreams; but this awake. Essential thought penetrates to the hub; at which confirmation spokes inevitably converge:MIT Technology ReviewPowerful magnetic fields can induce hallucinations in the lab, so why not in the real world, too?GizmodoWe all know that electromagnetic fields are magic and can do anything at any time for any reason. Sometimes, though, they can be harnessed to do certain things in particular. Electromagnetic fields can be applied to the skull, making your brain do strange, and sometimes completely inexplicable things. Find out how…Logonaut
One has already noted that skepticism as to the reality of the ghost waka in itself -- and the painting of electromagnetism with images drawn from memory -- does not at all preclude conscious minds deliberately causing or manipulating this process from a higher level of reality which corresponds to electromagnetism and thought in our lower level of reality. For as the New Church teaches -- this profoundly and correctly -- everything in natural life has its counterpart in spiritual life. And one will not simply claim this but show you, in your own mind's eye, how this works with the painting of naked anger, envy, depreciation, and so on; these being painted with faces drawn from your memory, just as images from your memory populate your dreams.- Romans 7:8 - King James Version (KJV) <8> But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead.
- All manner of concupiscence clothes itself with faces and images drawn from your memory, in such a way that you become fructified by fire and water, trials of will and understanding, ordeals of hand and forehead: sand for your oyster, stirred up hornets nest for your portion of original sin; or as the New Church says hereditary evil.
- One mentions this because it matters so much; but also because it has an obviously spiritual cause which follows the painting-with-our-memory manoeuvre from natural life into spiritual life.
One would like to demonstrate this correspondence between the spiritual and the natural with another example; one following the same procedure of delineating the natural analogue and the spiritual analogue. The Writings refer to these analogues or expressions of the same phenomenon at multiple levels as correspondences. Mention has already been made on this thread of the Yin Yang, which expresses the logical relationship A : b :: B : a in visual form. This pattern occurs in both natural life and spiritual life; for in the natural we see rain falling from the sky even as we see bubbles rising in the sea; as mentioned in [1] on this thread. And in the spiritual we see Rachel and Leah, Zara and Perez, Esau and Jacob, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel* and other binary relationships. Every single one of these instructional pairs clothes the coat rack of A : b :: B : a with the meaning that God loves to encode and convey.- Note: The order and detail of these instructional analogies in relation to 'A : b :: B : a' obviously varies. Adam : Rib : Truth :: Eve : Fruit : Good Cain : Abel :: bloodless harvest : bloody sacrifice :: murder : murdered "Leah was hated" : "He opened her womb" :: "he loved also Rachel more" : "but Rachel was barren" (Genesis 29:30-31) Zara : Love : marriage of faith and works : actually primary, apparently secondary :: Perez : Faith : breach/adultery : apparently primary, actually secondary Esau : Good : actually primary, apparently secondary :: Jacob : Truth : actually secondary, apparently primary
As we read in Secrets of Heaven of Adam and Eve, these express not only the trajectory of an ancient Church from "faithful city" to "a harlot" (to quote Isaiah's expression of this schema) but also the clothing of will with understanding: "The husband's understanding becomes the form of the wife's affection" (AC8891).)" Where have we seen will (affection) clothed with understanding before? We have seen it on the waters of Lake Tarawera, in the form of electromagnetism clothed with imagery; this in the natural world. And we have seen it in the human mind, in which images drawn from your memory clothe your anger, hate, lust, greed, cruelty, slander, depreciation or envy; this in the spiritual world. Of course, one might have said the same thing but in reverse; for your peace, joy, love, contentment, diligence and forgiveness also clothe themselves with images drawn from your memory; as someone who desires to benefit people clothes that desire with their faces. But one cannot help but show you the sort of adultery or anti-marriage of anger with face of person at whom one is angry; for like you I am under original sin and someone who is evil in themselves -- "Call no man good save God the Father", as the Word says in Mark -- and therefore I am sadly much more familiar with negative marriages of will and understanding than positive ones! This pitiable situation follows from the reality of original sin, and all of you are in the same boat. But God has promised that we can appropriate more and more of the better relationships of will and understanding. We have only to continually and diligently hear and obey Him from the heart and in our actions, assenting to His wisdom and love in practice, hearing and doing the Word. For the essence of Christianity consists of suspecting oneself of being up to no good, which is to drink the wine worthily; and practicing this suspicion of oneself in life, which is to eat the bread worthily.Logonaut
Now, as we read in Heaven and Hell, "By correspondences the natural world is conjoined to the spiritual world. For this reason all nature is a theatre representative of the Lord's kingdom" (Heaven and Hell 106). We have already seen how the natural world and the spiritual world both contain the pattern A : b :: B : a. We have also seen how the natural painting of electromagnetism with memory images has its spiritual counterpart in our righteous or unrighteous thoughts about other people, whose faces paint the various sins such as wrath that we feed. Let us now take up an idea from earlier that occurs in the natural, so that we can then consider its correspondence in the spiritual, the original object of which correspondences in the natural are reflections: Essential thought penetrates to the hub; at which confirmation spokes inevitably converge.- As we have seen, "all nature is a theatre representative of the Lord's kingdom". What then does this statement about essential thought correspond to in the spiritual? "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33).
June 5, 2021
June 12, 2021
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