
Showing posts from October, 2023

Outcomes of Societal Disequilibrium: The Model Carefully Refined

The model by which one understands ideological instability at tumultuous times involves something called the abnegation of the center. When a country's center has abnegated, this situation is identical to one in which the average person perceives the political center as incapable of solving the country's problems as well as morally bankrupt. The center -- mainstream society and institutions more broadly and the political class more narrowly -- is in this fractious situation both incapable and corrupt.  This abnegation of the center, alongside the recognition of the same by the average person on one level or another, results in an obvious increase in far right, far center, and far left ideological agitation and action. If the societal instability increases, then the far right, far center, and far left will essentially smell blood in the water. They will thus not only look for opportunities to dethrone the political center whose abnegation has opened up the possibility of doing s...

Slavery, Opium, and Hydrocarbons: Bottom Lines & Ruling Classes

If you are to have any direct perception of the ruling class of our times, then you must be able to relate the same to the hard bottom lines which motivate their behavior and utterance.  This may seem abstruse, but in accordance with the method one transparently employs it will become clear in retrospect from the suspension of a set of exemplars. We will start with slavery. In the case of slavery it was much like any businessman at any time or place: they dread not only not making a profit for the year but even more so being ruined.  This was one of the predominant reasons why reluctance slowed emancipation: 'You are going to compensate us for the loss of our slaves, are you not?' In fact, people were ruined by the end of slavery: people like Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo, a Malagasy poet generally acknowledged as one of the best African poets of the 20th century. His family was of noble extraction by the reckoning of his people, and its wealth lay almost exclusively in the possessi...

Extinction Rebellion: Green Guards of Ecofascist Perestroika

The organization Extinction Rebellion is receiving large amounts of money to support its roadblocking activities; the group is designed to fulfill the same sort of functions in relation to the ecofascist government of the world as the Red Guards fulfilled in relation to the Maoist government of the PRC: in other words, they are to be Green Guards, and they will perform a variety of different functions in that capacity according to the perceived interests of the ecofascist perestroika currently in progress. One of the most important functions of initiatives such as roadblocking is to further cement the greenwashing of peak oil. One has been studying the evolution of such ideologies over time for decades; and the change from Luddites to monkey wrenchers to the present lot of ecofascists and their Green Guard pets in particular. There is no question that these Extinction Rebellion people are a top-down initiative and in no way grassroots. If I were the government of the world, and if I we...