Extinction Rebellion: Green Guards of Ecofascist Perestroika

The organization Extinction Rebellion is receiving large amounts of money to support its roadblocking activities; the group is designed to fulfill the same sort of functions in relation to the ecofascist government of the world as the Red Guards fulfilled in relation to the Maoist government of the PRC: in other words, they are to be Green Guards, and they will perform a variety of different functions in that capacity according to the perceived interests of the ecofascist perestroika currently in progress.

One of the most important functions of initiatives such as roadblocking is to further cement the greenwashing of peak oil. One has been studying the evolution of such ideologies over time for decades; and the change from Luddites to monkey wrenchers to the present lot of ecofascists and their Green Guard pets in particular. There is no question that these Extinction Rebellion people are a top-down initiative and in no way grassroots.

If I were the government of the world, and if I were solidly committed to ecofascist perestroika, then I would use Green Guards to be hated; to take the blame for petrol shortages and supply chain disruption; and to promote ecofascist policies in every way possible while muddying the waters of why these sweeping changes are occurring. If there was not enough petrol to go around, I would inject massive amounts of money into the pockets of society's scum, privileged scions, and also people who are financially desperate due to peak oil job losses and put them on major roads increasingly so as to mask what is going on; and so as to deliberately modulate the flow of money, petrol, and other resources to where they are perceived as needed.

There are various ways to modulate the velocity of money, create or destroy small businesses, initiate demand destruction, and otherwise turn the dials on the control board of the world. Lockdowns are another way of doing this which is inextricable from modulation of the velocity of money and a variety of other outcomes as desired. It is like a strike a Swiss army knife available for a variety of functions

You can already see the hatred everyday people manifest when their cars cannot reach their jobs. They are kicking these people, knocking them over, and dragging them off the road; do not underestimate the power of having a designated target of hatred which deflects that same evil passion from the ruling class.

One will conclude with a reminder that we live in an era when transnationality -- the sum total of all interlocking of directorate and all apices of pyramids and independent of national borders -- has assumed the power previously enjoyed by the nation-state; just as the absolute monarchies assumed the power previously enjoyed by the local nobles during feudal times. That power is not only being exercised to proceed with a massive ecofascist perestroika; but must be so used according to the logic of our world-historic period: which involves our having used the low hanging fruit of complex hydrocarbons and other resources and begun to mitigate the end of cheap and the end of abundant.


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